Our Mission is to serve you

Our team is committed to your healing, Spiritual growth and inner peace.

Here at Sedona Sacred Rocks, we are truly committed to sharing healing, Spiritual guidance, meditation, the healing magic of horses and sharing the priceless Teachings of Pranic Healing and Meditations brought to us by our Spiritual Teacher, Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui. 

We want to give back what was once given to us, profound healing!
Now is a great time to start or continue a strong Spiritual practice. We  can help you and your families/loved ones on the path to inner peace, healing, joy and spirituality…..

Please contact us for any Pranic Healing Consultations and sessions; Introduction to Pranic Healing; Horse Medicine Sessions; Sacred Land Journeys (Sedona Tours) and our Retreats. 

Contact our Sedona Sacred Rocks Team @ sedonasacredrocks@gmail.com or text/call: 928/575-2124
